This year for the first time Festival of South-East European Film will have its Berlin edition from 10 to 13 June 2015. All program of SOE in Berlin (Festival des südosteuropäischen Films) can be found on this LINK.
The fifth, jubilee edition of SEE a Paris, after five intensive days of screening of films from all South-East Europe, followed by ballet performance "14 Hours", exhibition of Recep Vardar, literary and music events, on several locations in Paris (Théâtre Le Palace, INALCO, Centre du Monde, Aux Trois Maillets and L’Entrepot), was closed on 16 April 2015. According to the jury members: Yves Boisset, President of the jury; Zoran Zivkovic, Director of Montenegro Film Festival; Hazis Vardar, Director of the Théâtre Le Palace; Sacha Goldman, Film producer and Emmanuelle Galabru, Actress, the best movies for 2015 are:
Whole program for the 5th edition of the festival SEE a Paris can be found on the next LINK.
![]() The 5th edition of SEE a Paris film festival will start with homage of great Montenegrin director, professor Vlatko Gilic. As a part of the Homage on the opening ceremony of the festival in Theatre Le Palace, it will be screened the film "Ljubav". Vlatko Gilic was born in Podgorica. He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. Gilic is a professor at the University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts, Department of Directing and professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cetinje. University Senate, Rector's Collegium, University of Novi Sad, conferred the title of the Professor Emeritus on Vlatko Gilić. For his feature-length and short films, that he writes the scripts for, he has received numerous awards and honors at many national and international film festivals. Filmography:
![]() Theater director Patrick Verschueren is winner of the Grand Prix Europe Prima for 2015. The award will be given to Mr. Verschuren in frame of Opening ceremony of the festival SEE a paris on 12 April 2015 in Theatre Le Palace. Patrick VERSCHUEREN - Biography in French Metteur en scène, co-fondateur du théâtre Ephéméride (Normandie / france) et du festival BABEL EUROPEFormé au théâtre auprès d’Ingmar Lindh (Institüt For Scenskonst, Suède), il a mis en scène de nombreux auteurs vivants européens et américains (Cohen, Stoppard, Plevnes, Ravenhill, Gürsel, Piemme, Durnez, Stetson, Malpède, Barker, Mircevska, Sikora…) A partir de 93, il réalise un triptyque balkanique consacré à des auteurs de l’Est qui n’ont pas vendu leur âme aux diables nationalistes : “Tombeau pour Boris Davidovitch” de Danilo Kis (grand prix des rencontres Charles Dullin 96), “Peine pour Malvina” de Mirko Kovac (festival Est-Ouest) et “Le bonheur est une idée neuve en Europe” de Jordan Plevnes (Théâtre universitaire de Yale, festival d’Ohrid et de Skopje). Ce triptyque a été joué plus de 120 fois en France, en Europe de l’Est et aux Etats-Unis. En 97, il inaugure un dyptique intitulé “ Après la guerre ” dont Baal de Brecht est le 1er volet. Le second volet, “ Europa ” de Gary-Kalisky, après une session de travail au C.D.N. de Caen, est créé au Dramski Teatar de Skopje, en Macédoine. Accueilli en résidence au C.D.R. de Haute-Normandie en 2003, il y crée « Some Explicit Polaroïds » de M. Ravenhill puis « Cousu de fil noir » d’Eric Durnez. En 2004, il crée « Passion selon Marguerite », une pièce de Jean-Marie Piemme sur le mythe de Faust au Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles et à la Scène Nationale d’Alençon. En 2008, il inaugure un cycle de récits intitulé « histoires de gens de ce monde » dont le premier volet, « trop haut pour le cheval » de Kent Stetson a été créé au centre culturel canadien à Paris. Le second volet, « La première femme » de Nedim Gürsel a été créé dans le cadre de la saison de la Turquie en France. Parallèlement, il met en scène un « Dom Juan » féminin en version macédonienne au théâtre de la ville de Skopje. En 2010, il met en scène « La séparation des songes » de Jean Delabroy au « vent se lève » à Paris et « Deep wives/shallow animals » d’Howard Barker à l’English Theatre de Berlin. Dernièrement, il a dirigé « Esperanza », une pièce de Zanina Mircevska créée au Tarmac en avril 2013, puis reprise au 20eme théâtre en Mars et Avril 2014. Il travaille actuellement sur une pièce de Roman Sikora : « Confession d’une masochiste » et sur la prochaine pièce de Jordan Plevnes : « Comédie Globale ». Il est également responsable artistique de « place à la Poésie « pour le département de l’Eure et intervient régulièrement à l’université d’Arras, au CNR de Rouen, à l’ACTEA de Caen , à la Filmska Akademia de Skopje et à la scène conventionnée de Saint Laurent du Maroni (Guyane). ![]() Jovan Dabevski - General Manager of Zdravje Radovo The Milk Factory Zdravje Radovo from Macedonia is working since 2002, in the clean environment in the region between the mountains Ograzden and Belasitza. Since 2004 production has expanded with a new plant in Kumanovo, and in 2011 started working the new factory in Strumica. Since the beginning it’s noticeable continuous development, growth in the number of products and number of employees. The entire range of Zdravje Radovo covers over 50 milk products. This success means increasing the working staff and from the initial 8 employees, today's number is 320. The initial capacity of the daily processing of milk of 2500 liters has been increased to 110000 liters. Confirmation of the growth and development of Milk Factory Zdravje Radovo is expansion of its products in the territories abroad, and their products now can be found in the markets of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Albania. ![]() On 12 April 2015 starts 5th edition of South-East European Film Festival "SEE a Paris". Opening ceremony will be marked by great actor Rade Šerbedžija who will receive honorary prize SEE Actor 2015. Rade Šerbedžija was born in Bunic (Korenica) in 1946. Graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. Still a student, he started to play the leading roles in films and theater productions. He is remembered as an outstanding Peer Gynt, Don Juan, Georgij, Melkior, Oedipus, Hamlet, Leon and Richard III. He wrote and published four books of poetry and released four albums, as well as directed 12 plays (Balade Petrice Kerempuha, Kazu da je sova nekad bila pekareva kci, Judita, Hrvatski slavuj...). He shot more than seventy films (Rdece klasje (1970), Zadah tela (1983), Hajka (1977), Vecernja zvona (1986), Bravo maestro (1978), Variola vera (1982), Una (1984), Usijanje (1979), Zivot je lep (1985), Kiklop (1982), Povratak (1979), Horvatov izbor (1985), Dreaming the Rose (1986), Kontesa Dora (1993)...), and starred in leading roles of several TV-series (Sam covjek, U registraturi (1974), Prosjaci i sinovi (1971), Bombaski proces (1978), Nikola Tesla (1977), Putovanje u Vucjak (1986)...). He joined Vanessa Redgrave to found a theater that produced plays such as Brecht in exile, Liberation of Skopje, Smoke, Opera Sarajevo. He took part in many charity and peace initiatives. After a world famous film Pred dozhdot (1994) where he played the leading role, he was cast in films by prominent directors of the world (P. Noyce, J. Woo, S. Kubrick, F. Rossi...), in films such as The Saint (1997) (P. Noyce), The Truce (1997) (F. Rossi), Prague Duet (1998), Broken English (1996), Eyes Wide Shut (1999) (S. Kubrick), Polish Wedding (1998), Stigmata (1999), Mighty Joe Young (1998), Il dolce rumore della vita (1999), Open Sea (1998), Mission: Impossible II (2000), Space Cowboys (2000), Snatch. (2000), and in South Pacific (2001), Hermano (2007), Quicksand (2003), currently in post-production. He starred alongside Val Kilmer, Elisabeth Shue, John Turturro, Tom Cruise, Glenn Close. ![]() In frame of the opening night of 5th edition of South-East European Film Festival "SEE a Paris", on 12 April 2015 in the prestigious Theatre Le Palace in Paris, his exhibition will have artist Recep Vardar. ![]() The fifth edition of the Film Festival of South-East European cinema "SEE a Paris", which will be held from 12 to 15 April 2015 in Paris and from 10 to 13 June in Berlin, has officially opened its call for entries and accepts submissions of short, medium, and long films for the Main Competition. All shooting formats are accepted. The Festival is opened to all types of films (feature, documentary, fiction and animation) whose directors and/or producers originate from the SEE countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey. The duration of the short films must not exceed 15 minutes. There's no time limit for feature, documentary and animation films. The deadline for submission is 1 March 2015. There is no submission fee. We prefer online submission through the web platforms FilmFreeway and Festhome. You can, however, still apply directly to the Festival. In this case, it is mandatory that applicants send a download link or link to online screener of their film, along with a filled and signed ENTRY FORM on the mail [email protected]. For any other form of submission, please contact us by mail. For more information about the application please read the REGULATIONS. The selected applicants shall be informed about the selection of their film by the 1 April 2015. The Festival line-up shall be announced after 1 April 2015 on the Festival website. The selected films will be screened on digital files in FULL HD format. If participant insist on other format it’s possible to organize projection on 35mm and Beta SP. In this case a participant covers the costs for shipping and transportation of the film. ![]() Fourth Regional Conference of UNESCO "Speech of Balkan’s bridges" after already held conferences in Edirne - Turkey, Lovech - Bulgaria and Berat – Albania, these days, from 17 to 22 July 2014, is happening in Cetinje and Rijeka Cernojevica in Montenegro. The conference is attended by a numerous young filmmakers and artists from the South-East European countries and it is being held under the motto "Know your neighbor". All contents are realized in collaboration with the festival SEE a Paris. In this way, as part of the program will be screened selection of the winning short, documentary and feature films, who participated in the past four years on the festival of South-Eastern Europe in Paris. Symposium organized within the conference will be led by the Rector of University of audiovisual arts and founder of SEE a Paris Festival, Mr. Jordan Plevnes and before a larger number of Ministers and Mayors of SEE countries, address will have the General Director UNESCO, Ms. Irina Bokova. |